lol yeah.. geo merging is new.. but everything else looks similar.. few things and teh completly make over of forge hub lol.. before it was white...
hay u commented on my thread called paintball.. and u said u have many maps that are paintball. can u send links about them cuz when i searched i...
fronzo... sounds like a plan hope u get internet workin soon... as for Dyepb07 well i'd like to make my own :D... lol and blanman i will be...
ty. lol it's my last name :P real origonal. im polish :D i guess tahts why it's exotic. yet i live in canada. and no i dont know who u are...
well im back.. it's been about a year since i been on this site and man has it changed lol... well anyways.. if anyone wants too mess around in...
this can be done fast :D .. i often can complete a map with a full 2 days.. 3pm - 10pm. not including spawns and weapons.. but the main map...
first off i hope no one else did this i put alot of effort into this post XD lol Well i have been thinking of making an AUTHENTIC paintball map....
i dunno if u wanna but i often find myself being a perfectionist and i enjoy working with other people rather then by myself. it gets dull and you...
Kay well it's been a hell of a long time since i been on forge hub ever since that big thing a while ago around the 1v1 tournie yeah the very...
wait u just said to go here to convert file... wheres here?.... i see no here..
thaanks youz! i gotta save this topic..
Soooooooozzz i finaly got a video dun frum GEEVEE took a week but it's there..... aaaaaaaaany ways How Do i save this vidmo on my Computer?.......
Wellcome to Forgehub then Post maps, Chit chat And mostly have fun with our very interactive guilders who love us so much :)
Whooooh! Forge hub has now reaced 7500... and now there one step closer to maken me shove a spoon up my butt as seen in the last Member count.......
with the time im spending on it i hope it's good but tahts y i made this threat cuz i need help with characters
Alrite i'll work on is Asap, Sooo as big as we want no open spaces okie doke..
wow thanks for the feed back, i'd say samus tho is most set up by the actual game spartan laser u have to charge and in ssmb u have to chage...