Gamertag: evrythngwastakn Times you can get on: typically 10pm est to 3am. Mic yes/no?: yes, and if you dont have one dont waste my time please....
if noone can get past it, how can we give you a hint
your not the only one stuck there.
damnit. of course i found the map too late. well, enjoy the points
downloading now. im ready for a headache. Added after 12 minutes: is it doable by one person? or are there parts that require cooperative...
yeah, definite great job on the map. my favorite puzzle so far
so, i figured out how to get past the teleporter over the ocean. well, actually, a friend of mine, and self proclaimed puzzle pro, jigsaw 53,...
yeah that would make sense. i skipped that part so i still had the jet pack. sorry man.
theres an evade somewhere.... you sneaky little... can i swear on here?
nope, thats death
also, one small problem with your man cannon part. with the jetpack, you dont need to find the hidden cannon. and you can also just fly over the...
im stuck on the same spot as volcom, only difference is, even when i do go into forge i cant figure it out. so im either an idiot and i cant go...
impossible jumps? you guys are using a warthog and not a mongoose right? because at first i had the same problem until i completely read his...