TheShadyGnome Halo 3 vintage kid from Australia here. Back with some free time and keen to see what you're all making.
I know there's already at least one thread looking for firefight partners, but I hope this is alright as it's somewhat more specific. Seems to me...
I can't believe I have to share my fecking Respected status with you. They're giving it out like recon nowadays! :frustrated: /sarcasms
Ooh. Thank-yeh. (Can Penguinish change it?)
My bad.
This is the first I recall of this? :S Not saying I won't do it, but I really don't remember, sorry.
The Warthog (usually as driver) and the Scorpion for the reasons stated above. I also voted for the Prowler. I can't quite place why, but I...
This. Forge Hub and DigitalPh33r have been affiliates for a long time. Check his older videos, is in most of their credits. It's a...
Hah, I've always had access. Just never really been active.
Xanon, lay off. It's pretty clear that he means that Avalanche is the only Legendary map in DLC BTB.
Yeah, I've been asking around and a few people have confirmed getting it with guests. I should be having a fun day tommorrow, then. :)
I'm after a bit of help, if anybody has already gotten this achievement can help me out. Does anybody know for sure whether the Vidmaster...
Me too, though it was kinda limited in the gametypes you could play on it. The reason it was removed from Halo 2 matchmaking actually had nothing...
It's in Squad Battle, a lot. It'll also be in Multi-Team now, through Rocket Race, if you want to count that. Lol @ Backwash (from Halo 2).
It's probably not going to do anything (I don't think it ever was, for the record). But a bunch of LTG members are going to play in Halo 2, and...
I'm just screwing with you :P Nice collection! :) There is a screenshot somewhere of someone nailing a spike grenade on one of those birds that...
:) It does that.
November 15 will mark 7 years of Halo. If I were to bet on a date for the Mythic map pack, it would be then. If we're getting a new game...
This is the same page that has the thumbnail for the "Heretic" map as Barack Obama. It *could* still be true though... there's been a lot of...
You're missing the termites on Foundry.