Yes its atop of the spire, and to tell you the truth I mostly forged this as I went along. Such as the top walkways and the lift in the middle. I...
Theres a high chance I will update the map with new things soon...
"A once remarkable institute for the mentally unstable, now its just an abandond building." MLG Psychosis is a medium sized map. Which consists...
"A once outstanding Forerunner courtyard, now lies destruction and a faint reminder of what could have been." [IMG] Tissero is a BIG map...
Must have embeded pictures or videos...
Are the jumps true to the original?
Are you sure? They are showing up fine for me, no errors.
"This mindbending facility was used by the covenent, to house captured marines, and drive them to the brink of insanity." [IMG] Discomfort...
I have been seeing alot of remaks of Guardian lately, decent and bad, nevertheless Im gonna download this and check it out.
Pictures/Video? Must be imbeded...
"Although surrounded by beautiful landscape, this prestigeous UNSC traininy facility has more than just site seeing." [IMG] First off, this...
I agree with Gollygeeanelite...good remake attempt overall though