This should go into matchmaking, you should post this up on, your only going to get downloads from Forgehub, but if you want a...
not bad, but i would recommend posting grifball maps on, thats where I post them, also, spawn points dont go in front of the bomb...
Its a good idea but its way way wayyyy too small, definately too small to support 16 people, 8 maybe but definately not 16, since the map is small...
lol well first lets see wat reflex has to say first
lol no, i did not edit his map, and i dont even kno what location its in, but mine is just above the water cause i wanted to give the illusion the...
thanks, and noted for next time, but like the mod guy said, it wouldve been nice, but I didnt have too
To my defence when I actually started making this map I didnt know it was even done before until a friend of mine told me about avalanche and...
Thank you, if the MODs say I didnt copy it, i didnt copy it, dont judge until uve actually played it, its not similar, does he have ramps on his...
actually other then the armour lock and the movement speed i changed some other things, and yes, avalanche is wat lead to the inspiration but its...
Wall of Death! If your bored, and looking to have a good laugh and challenge yourself with your friends then this would be the map to do it....
Good news everyone, the MOD for GrifballHub wants me to do some final tweaks for this map and he will submit it for voting, if it gets enough...
Froman's Courtyard Well I know its been awhile, but ive been working on many different Grifball maps, and here is the latest, it supports...
thats been tried many times but those maps are unsuccessfull, the problem with halo reach is fall damage, if the ramps are too steep ull die if u...
you can score in any teams goal, for sum reason its not showing the gametype on bungie even tho i still hav it on my file share online, ill fix it...
Im glad you all like it, and yea, i used purple team cause you cant use orange and yellow teams for obvious reason, so purple seemed like the best...
BT Grifball Arena Well everyone, the 5th map I was working on is finally finished, along with a cool new gamemode designed for it, and can also...
nope, there low enough so that they dont make you bounce at all, give it a try and see, and im glad you like it lol
Grifendor Without further delay, I present my fourth Grifball map, Grifendor! For those who aren't aware, my Grifball maps have been praised...
Thanks everyone for the amazing feedback, im glad you all enjoy it, I seem to have much more success with my grifball maps so thats what im gona...
Grifball Pro Bowl! For the third installment of my latest Grifball maps, I used the stunt ramps for the floor, added some spuffy visuals, and...