Okay I updated the OP with a couple updated screenshots. What do you guys think of it now? I added some more cover, changed up the rocket spawn....
Hey proto! I had a lot of fun play testing your map. It really is a great map. The only concerns I had all seemed to be resolved. Keep up the...
Thanks for the suggestions! :) I'm having hard time breaking the Line of sight and still having it look good. Heres what I came up with. [IMG]...
Lol alright. Check the OP for an updated version. Even since the updated pics Ive placed a couple more barriers to break sight lines. Slowly but...
Ok thanks a lot for the advice. I've edited the OP with the updated version. Let me know what you think. Thanks a lot for all the help guys. :)
Thanks for the suggestions. I know its very simple, thats what I am going for. Don't want to start out with an extremely elaborate map. 'na mean?...
Thanks for the input. Now that I look at it I agree about the catwalks. I'll see if I can fix it. And for this map I want all the bases to be...
Hey guys, first map I've ever made so go easy on me. :) Tetra is basically a small symmetrical slayer map. Best for 2-4 players. Its still a work...
Looks pretty slick. I'm downloading now. I'll let you know what I think in a while.
This is looking epic man. I love that collapsed bridge. If you need help play testing, send me a message on XBL. I'd love to test this map out....
Looking good. I'd like to help playtest. GT is Afro Banzai
Looks interesting. I love the dark tone. Sign me up for testing. GT=Afro Banzai