Judging by your comment, your 7 posts probarbly consists of about ten words, Give the man a bit more info. Your map looks awesome bro. I like how...
sorry cant make it tonight
I beleive you need more pictures :)
This looks seriously awesome man. I love how you had the prizes and energy swords. The spectators booth is really cool too. The view of the island...
no adverse effects whatsoever. Adding race to a slayer map intresting.
This map looks awesome man. Would help test but no gold sadly :(
I feel for you mate. It seems no word at all, i dont think they want to admit they F#@*ed it up big time.
Do I sense some sarcasm?
You my friend... Are a genius.. Instein of Forge... Newton of thinking... The Leonardo davinci of 2552
Prehaps you could make it so the "Ghosts" cant jump and have the pac-man jump a bit to get the powerup, just my piece of cake. I like cake (:
this looks like it will have fun fats paced gameplay, which is always good. For the bases just keep it simple and a tip try to incorparate it with...
This may not be innovative but the old balance on a golfball or else you fall and die. Trcik floors using cap plates. Going through a gap with 1...
Looks cool but I'n the end this is just going to be another monster truck game. Try doing something really original I't makes a huge difference to...
This is feature worthy, I've been playing exactly 4hour and 37minutes straight now and I'd like to say that it does not get repetitive. I'd like...
To save people launching revs into goal put a normal shield door so the rev will just bonce off, btw good idea pitty i didn't get my one up first
I sort of start with an idea of layout flow, then decide where to put the map, then decide what type of bases ect the i build it. Eg. my new map,...
I think that respawn zone anti is for games were at a certain point in the game people dont spawn at those points. And respawn zone weak is like...
This looks really fun, I think this looks like it could be made into a pretty cool invasion map, now that would be epic
How about you call it a zipline? That would be even more epicly cool.
Sounds cool I'll give it a try