How did you get more than two lights? THAS CRAZY MAN : Halo Reach : File Details Try this one out, tell me what you think prease :D
Even in Forge I found no other way.
I completed the map according to the rules he gave us, I THOUGHT that was the correct way to complete the challenge, and I think that I should...
I checked, I POSTED MY video first. Mine:15:02:32 YOURS:16:28:37 I deserve the points, just saying. :D
Six hours? Dang, I would have given up. Haha
Well I guess we shall see, but I think I should get the points, but, fun map eh?
Iiiiii posted first, so I think that means that I get the points :D
I WON :D I honestly did, I beat it. :D WATCH WATCH WATCH! I couldnt render it but I'll message you the video.
So, I made a door open switch like this :D
^^ What he said ^^ I just placed blocks at juust the right height, so that you can go under without dying, if you go just inches lower, it kills...
So, I downloaded this map, and I love almost everything about it. Almost[I] There are a lot of objects within this map that are merged [I]too...
This map is my first contribution to the Forge hub community. I have spent a day or two working on this map, and what I have ended up with, I am...