The moment bungie increases the size of Forge World and creates an unlimited budget, I absolutely will! No budget leftover in this map, to create...
I think it's just coincidence that they both came out at the same time, because about a week ago, I thought about making a map based on that art...
Obviously you're not a fan of testing the maps you comment on. The map name is "Sauron vs. Helms Deep". The other side of the map is a base based...
Minas Tirith is featured in the book "Return of the King", and also in the movie of the same name - part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. When I...
I'm not posting for numbers, just to share. D/L if it's your thing, move along if not. Still don't see why you consider this not to be an...
I have a Warsong Gulch already featured on here, or you can look in this map's file set. As far as the other bgs, I doubt it - maybe EOTS if I can...
I should have mentioned ahead of time that my gametypes, although make it more like WoW, are also designed for my LAN group, which is usually 16...
[IMG] Needs to be much bigger imo. Also, needs to be smoother - too many gaps currently. Use the fine tuning within forge.
Will add more pics once I get them of each base. Was saving on file share room at the time.
Did a few custom roles, but honestly, didn't focus on it too much. Feel free to alter and dabble. The settings are to the likings of my LAN group,...
I like this race for a smooth easy ride. The only confusing part is right at the beginning, everyone in my race drove forward off the edge! After...
The angle makes it look like it slopes up. It's actually flat, with a surface on top so one can go to the end of it. --- Also, I don't...
Alright, will do. Was only using file share before, so I didn't take many pictures. With photobucket, I'll put out a lot more. If you choose to...
Custom gametype extends the spawn time. I chose not to make it spawn with teammates though, for balancing. If you want to turn it on and try it...
There is a custom gametype - forgot to post it.
[IMG] Pic: The Mine, at Arathi Basin Based on the territories map from "World of Warcraft", Arathi Basin is a 5 point territories map. The...
[IMG] Pic: The Red Base in "Warsong Gulch" From the hills of Azeroth, to the Forge World. This remake of the capture the flag map first...
[IMG] A well balanced arena sits in the ocean, far from land. The old structure has sunk somewhat since it's first conception, and the bottom...
Yeah, I can do that once I get back on the box tonight. Thanks for the feedback - much appreciated!
My bad. I think I fixed it. Enjoy!