Aesthetically beautiful, had a chance to play this with a good group and had a great time. This is a favorite for my usual team with swat, it's...
hey ham, im glad you could dig the sniper situation, i know it can be frustrating if they snipers are really good and their team has their foot...
this is really cool! the keyboard was a great idea, we had a lot of fun playing this map. Definitely feel like a toy soldier, for sure.
I really appreciate all the honest feedback - I was afraid the gameplay would be kind of dull lol. Maybe oddball would work? Hey Polaris, what's...
Hey Skisma - I definitely took your opinion into consideration and i really appreciated the feedback - I did however have a certain game play in...
Map Name: The Shire Gametype: Hobbit Hide&Seek Player Count: 2-16 Hobbit Hide&Seek is an infection game with two teams; Hobbits Vs. Ringwraiths....
hamsandwich, glad you liked it - shoot me an invite the next time you have a big team going on it. rigest - checked out your map, i like it a...
My understanding is that it will be removed :\
This is great! Awesome idea with the church tower, i LOVE the clock. And the sewer system is realy cool, can't wait to download and play this...
I might try rebuilding it with a curve - Most likely I'll rebuild it but have two streets with a divider in the middle. It'd be fun to play this...
Thanks for the input and testing everyone, I got some mixed reviews on the game play. Some people really liked the hide and seek aspect where...
Hey everyone, Party is open! For those of you who were interested I'll send an invite, anyone else can send me a message on xbox and I'll send...
Mustard and Jooder, I'll shoot you an invite around 5-5:30 pacific time.
I'll definitely shoot you an invite tonight, ProtoFury
Hi Forgehub; This is a gametype I've been working on called Hobbit Hide&Seek. It's an infection game-type with two teams; Hobbits Vs....
I'll have to give conquest a shot and see how it plays! And I'll try to build more cover, I know you're pretty vulnerable out there on the bridge.
XtK ReApeR: Awesome! I'm glad you like it - Send me an invite next time you get a big group together! Rigest: Go for it :) Highlaw: I'll have...
Man, that would be cool...
There is some cover on the bridge that gives you enough chance to block sniper fire, but yea once a good sniper gets on that tower you have to get...
Anybody else get a chance to try it with a big group?