Thank you for all the positive comments. I hope to win Forgetacular but the competition is tight with all the awesome maps.
Here is the link to Suspension V15 Just so we are clear. I am not nominating my own map simply giving the link for the 3 nominations on this thread.
Here is the culmination of far too much effort on my part with the help of Nutduster, Spartain G086, Iwillis, ProtoFury, and a few others along...
I will release suspension this evening when I get off work. I am sorry for the confusion.
Tartarus TrackBall Arctic Outpost
Arctic outpost by el megapwn
Id like to make a shout out to Megapawn and AngeryMidget ;)
I am glad it is finished as well. I also posted Proteus with the video. Proteus is my 1 day effort and I am much more pleased with the work/result...
Here is my second forgetacular map. I Finished my previous map on Friday and started this map out of relief of having finished the longest project...
Here is the video. I will throw it on youtube later. : Halo Reach : File Details
Ill do that tomorrow as well
Ill do a video fly-through tomorrow. It would be difficult to show you with pictures as there are so many unique areas that connect in unique ways.
I am always game to test maps. Let me know when and I'll be there.
This map was mostly my Idea and I spent more time on it than proto did. Now that that's out of the way and we have cleared the air I just want...
I'm happy to see the map on here. It was really coming together last I was in it making it "Fabulous" . If your ever in need of interior...
The map is more or less finished and has been submitted to the testers guild for playtesting. I have updated the first post with the completed...
The lag issue may or may not be fixed. It seems to come and go and is realy pissing me off. It only seems to be a factor when you are looking...
Credit goes to ProtoFury for the supports, I wish I thought of that.
UPDATED 10/24 Here is my second map called Suspension. My inspiration was from watching the new Star Trek where I noticed on Vulcan's opening...