They have rules against modded maps, even if there isn't really any mods, just extra items?
Well, I have a jtag and I modded the .map so I now have unlimited items and everything cost $0, so I can pretty much build what ever I want, so...
I see wat u mean, Um when playing this it seemed like the humans never survived past 10 min. the time limit is 20, it needs to be put down....
the fake walls are teleporters, u can walk through them but u cant see through them, and if u wanna complain about z-fighting u should see my...
I allready did, its called fat kid plaza
Wow, we should have been working to gether ( I just made the...
Well, I kinda disagree with u I find it fun to be a zombie cuz u get to run fast and jump high, I dont know if its the same for u but that makes...
Ive tested these setting for like a few hrs with like 10 ppl, every thing seems to be balanced very well, fat kid isn't as hard to kill as it may...
So, this is a remake from a Halo 3 map called Hidden Levels on Fat Kid, I don't know who the original maker is but credit to him. The creators...
We didnt have the option to move the elevator door, so we put a little lip in front of the door and a one way shield on the floor so u couldn't...
Ok, I dont think this is on the right section, but I dont see a section for Help, but I'm Making an infection map with an elevator, And I want the...
Ill try to figure out something, but the floor doesn't seem to bother me.
Hmmm..... Other gametypes, maybe, if I do u should help me come up with some and how we should make them work with the map.
Thats a great idea, Ill probably do it, thanx Also I have always felt the same way, like it seemed so empty and plain.
The reason for the killball wall is cuz if u look at the pattern, and u see how it goes 1 cubi hole on the floor then one up higher If i did the...
Thanks, [Removed By Poster. Reason: Stupidity]
So First off it's been a long time since I have posted a map and thats because I am not very active on this forum so ya. This is one of my...
Correct Link : Halo Reach : File Details
Great edit of pinicale. cant wait to try it out.
looks realy cool but do you think this would be cool with any other gametype like juggernaut ill dnl