Looks interesting, especially the maze. I love mazes! I'll download it and see what it's like. Edited by merge: Gametype link is broken. Looks...
Nice one. I'll try it out tonight and give a bit more feedback. Edited by merge: Tried it out with three people last night and it was fun for...
Looks promising and I can't wait to try it, but one slight problem: you're gametype link isn't working for me.
You got me when I saw the excellent forging and the Safe Havens. Very nice job, I'll try it out ASAP.
Just played this and I have to say, no faults so far. Still working on getting out of the cube (I know how, I just can't make a couple jumps) and...
Damn it, someone beat me to my idea yet again, with spawning in walls and everything. Only thing you didn't steal is my idea for a gametype....
Can't wait. Loved the Boss Battle on Rat's Nest in Halo 3.
I feel your pain. I was just getting riled up and doing some in-dept brainstorming on a concept I had then I read this just to see what the...
Any good tips for making a pipe in Forge? To contextualise it a bit more, I'm planning on making an oil refinery themed map and need to create...
Dl'd. Can't wait to try it out.
Looks awesome. I'll give you a proper verdict come Friday when I test the map with some friends.
Absolutely loving the aesthetic design. Have it cued and I'll play it ASAP.
This map is absolutely brilliant! I'd recommend it to anyone. So far, I've managed to get through a good bit of it with only three people. So much...
Absolutely love the aesthetics and infection maps so I'll stick this on my cue.
Damn! Someone beat me to the idea. I was planning on making my own Deathstar map for invasion. Looks extremely well done. I'll download it right away!