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When you have to take weapons/settings/vehicles/other **** out of the game and play on your special maps, it doesn't make you good, it makes you...
Cod2 was the last good call of duty game. Both Modern Warefares sucked, but 2 was better then 1
Yup, you are my favourite bro.
I played some customs on this map last night, and I have to say, this is one of the best maps I have ever played on. The Aesthetics are incredibly...
Yeah Jay is ****wit
Jay should be blacklisted from all servers
Is there TNT in this for you to grief the whole server?
The Shade turrets are to cover that hallway that links the two bases, because in CTF games you can get from base to base in seconds via that...
Borederlands was one of my least favourite games ever. It was like "JAM THE R BUTTON." We have no sense of humour or story to care about in this...
I don't like sarge's write up.
Let's see, first of all, there is no pictures, and you need pictures. Please read the rules. You have 24 hours to put up pics or you get locked....
This is my new project, Orpheus. It's a three leveled mix of close combat and long lines of sight. Weapons 1 Pro-pipe/90sec/4 clip 4 DMR/60sec/2...
message me on here or reply in this thread. It's a decievingly large, covenant themed map with 3 stories of action
to be totally honest, I do not care for this map. Framerate issues aside, every game I've ever played in this map has become a top floor camp...
This looks amazing. Like construct, but sexier. I WANT
This seems like it would be easy to jetpack out of
This is a very interesting concept, the combining of several elements from different maps to make a collage of sorts. I'll DL and get back to you...