booya i got into Poker around age 14, about the same time i started drinking, smoking, etc. After winning a monster pot on a Straight Flush draw,...
i liked it. A+ however... dude above me is right, the color scheme doesn't fit. Seeing as your using grey, why not use a monochromatic color...
the masonic symbolism is neat. Did you realize it was even there?
great question dude, and an interesting topic for discussion. Let us see... I think that to differentiate between a map-pack and series is that...
i was just wondering, is there anyway to change the amount of ammo in any given weapon's clip? An example would be putting 1 bullet per clip in...
THIS JUST IN apparently you can get 'infracted' for bumping a posts? WTF anyways.... I've been using sketchup to compile some buildings,...
Duly noted ;)
i've been tinkering around with some fundamental gameplay ideas, and have concluded the following... 1) There will be a tall, cliff built into...
Howdy gang, I'm in the process of mapping out, and designing a city style portion of a map, and was wondering... What are some concepts you(FH)...
Just Dl'd. This will help tremendously with my town!!!!!!!!!! However, i notice there aren't any of the Rocks/Boulders, but oh well. This helps...
this map is ****.
Great thread, just in time for my city themed map ;) Walls and Bridges maan, walls and bridges.
Heck yes 1.) Roads: Will they have curbs? Are they there for vehicles to be driven on functionally, or as decoration? Just a few questions you...
I need a favor. If someone owns Halo2, could you do a walkthrough film of the level so I can get an exact view of the bottom mid angles. I need...
Alright, it's time to forge. I'll be working on Lockout all day/nighth today, so send me a FR and join ma party!
Point taken, thanks for the advice. I'll be workin' on it in my spare time when not pwning MM.
Gamertag: Str8ghFlush Times you can get on: depends, I have school. Usually 4-11pm. Mic yes/no?: Sometimes, usually yeah. Something describing...
Alright, I'm outlandishly sick of the trash lockout/blackout remakes and threads regarding their differences. I'm setting out on a quest to make...