GHOOOOOOST TOOOOOOWN!!! I bookmarked this map to my browser. It is very close to the original, besides the unchangeable colors! I also like the...
I like the use of this area! Especially the last picture with the small bridge and coliseum walls to the side! I'll download it if I can get my...
AWWW MAN! I was going to make this! Ah well, you beat me to it! Great ship, one of the best I've ever seen. It looks almost exactly like the T.V show!
Wow this map is awesome! I especially like the Jet and the helicopter. I also like the layout of the battlefield. And the download link is funny!
Wow this map looks AWESOME! Especially the Circular staircases., They add to the ascetics and make the map look very cool! Not to mention I really...
Amazing map! I have to ask however When you are making a ship, do you start with the exterior or the interior, because I am going to try making a...
Wow! This map looks really cool! I especially like the 2nd picture... What gametypes does it play on?
Man that would be awesome if I COULD ACTUALLY SEE THE MAP!!! lol
It looks pretty good! Maybe it can do without the lighting, but the map itself is very good and original
Aww this looks awesome. I like the stadium feel to it, or is that just me? And I will remember not to be that guy :P
This map looks great! The first screenshot is my favorite one. And you mean you have frickin sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their...
WOW! This map looks awesome! It kinda looks like a map from Jak X. Any of you play that? Neither do I, but this is a great map!
Sounds like an interesting concept. I usually see you and your friends playing it. Do they enjoy it? Ill try to play it with you next time I can.