I need some help with spawn areas and placing objectives and was wondering if i could get some help. Just message me on my gamertag [MythicNinja]
I was trying to find a walkthrough for kingdom of ra and couldn't manage to find one
Fair enough
Sure. By the way the stuff i said about that chick was true. I don't care if you believe me i just want you to know that. I have a girl that i'm...
Ok i'm bored arguing with you
oh so you like men
I claim shenanigans on your claim
I think that the skulls turning on is a genius idea seeing as how the characters you are playing aren't super soldiers there needs to be a way to...
Not gonna lie that's kinda creepy And to get beat down after a bulltrue is epic fail
iBox tried to steal their flag and got what he deserved. 5/5
Just wanted to let you know that i fell out of my chair laughing at your sig
Don't worry about it man he just makes fun cause he has an insecurity head. Pic made me lol
I remember the screenshot this is mocking. it literally made me lol. Epic 6/5
It took me a sec to realize that boxes can't be that big :lol: :lol: :lol:
I had this happen to me on sandtrap so i just drove around the rest of the game in my "dune buggy"
Shoot the baby! Wait! Look out behind you! Epic shot man
Furious D18 had one of two brutes but this is way better
They're all really good regardless that the island ones have been done before the pics are well taken
I think the kid just has a scratch on his disc and the br skin didn't load right away