I know im a bit late quoting this but i have actually played with that guy online and he had the squeakiest voice ever. anyway the funniest ive...
I remember playing this back when it had a different name... me and MjB Shrapnel played with everyone else testing and it was amazing but there...
When a player picks up the weapon then dies the weapon will float in mid-air above their body and it cannot be picked up again. It also provides...
Hey dude what happened to ReachForger.com(your website) and your facebook page?!?!?!
Dude you should of been around earlier yo would of gotten to enter this into the forgotten treasures contest i think you would of came in the top...
Looks Pretty cool and i like how smooth the track is... But if this s intended to be a racetrack it should be double wide so there is enough room...
thanks ill see if i can find an ibanez guitar but im not sure about a marshall amp because when i used to have one ( i had the MG30DFX) it was...
WOW..... seriously though dude this is amazing i did a quick forge through i really liked it. the general layout of the middle reminded me of a...
Hi i play the guitar as you can clearly see otherwise i wouldn't of posted this thread. but anyway i am looking for a new electric acoustic...
I completely agree with you because that way you still have to earn the credits but it would simulate the double XP. i think it would be good if...
Ok VI AMAC XXI i have done your request as i liked the idea. Flameblad3 im getting to work on yours tomorrow (in GMT time zone (Yes i am british :D))
Hi i'm Wrek and i have recently been pondering the thought of new funny medals in reach so thats why i started this thread. So far I have thought...
thanks for the tip yo yo ill consider posting a later more updated article but i dont think i really need to if there is already an article...
here i did it for you in future get the link from the actual video not the full screen one :) YouTube - CDG: Waterworks - walkthrough
That's a good point. anyway the game looks good and i'd be happy to play this I have downloaded. but to me if i'm being honest this map looks...
Hi recently I have been searching around maps and I've noticed many maps on this forum have bad weapon or vehicle layouts so i decided to post a...
Dude, you made the video look a bit rubbish. Just sayin' :P This map is really good, i should know. It got REALLY hectic with 10 players, but i...
Looks pretty sweet im downloading now but could you please give an overview screenshot? And won't swapping a SMG with a DMR significantly...