Must have missed you posting this one. Anyways I like the map a lot. The inspiration from CSO is obviously there, but you improve on that design...
To be honest man, I don't really care what rank I am. I'm just here to write reviews.
I know Emu responded to your first three points, but I wanted to comment on your point about the objectives for each phase. We made the third...
When I was designing the map initially I searched forgehub to look for covenant buildings to place on the map and in that process I glanced over...
I did look at the H3 version, that actually is how I figured out what the custom powerup was suppose to do, as there was no mention of it in the...
Just finished Ironyte and I am in the process of checking them in.
[IMG] Ironyte Ironyte is an asymmetrical arena map designed solely for one on one combat. One of Ironyte’s central themes is elevation change,...
[IMG] Turnpike Turnpike is a vehicle centric map built around the Pillar in Forge World. Somewhat inspired by the Halo 3 map Rat’s Nest,...
Good to hear I'm having trouble? Well thats not very nice :( hahaha.
I'm trying to post them, but the RH images are giving me trouble, they should be up soon though.
Thanks for the heads up about the sig, I went and centered it. Must be a slow day when you are fixing members sigs for them lol.
First to answer your question, there is no "preferred ratio" between the two. Now to explain. Initial spawns are named exactly as they...
The layout is the standard two spawns with a middle base and two side bases. I wanted to take the top off to get an overview of the map, but that...
Cenotaph, my latest forge creation, is a completely symmetrical arena. I drew inspiration originally from the Halo 3 map Epitaph, but Cenotaph...
Check out the links in this thread. If you still have questions after that ask, but try to be as specific as possible when detailing what you are...
No, it is not possible to have the safe haven follow a specific order.
I made a zombie mall map along with A Silent Emu a while ago that a lot of people really liked. Link.
The original, at least in all my testing (which was a lot), only had frame rate lag in one spot, and that was when looking outside of blue base....
Make sure to load the map in a custom lobby before complaining about frame rate lag.
Not many people are going to give you specific ideas as to what cover to put on your map. Not because they are assholes, just because if they had...