I've got a few disappointments with Reach. First off is you can't duel wield weapons, but I can live with how powerful they are. I just miss it is...
I'm down for giving it a run GT: Kane Quicktail
Thanks for the welcome. Far cry did have a pretty good editor, especially since you could actually mold the terrain. But I suppose with Forge's...
Is it possible to carry an objective onto the falcon? Like carrying the flag in the warthog/mongoose? Or is that a big no?
Read a book, look at architecture, look up where battles took place in history. I once made a map of my school in a game. Go to a park and imagine...
Thank you, it's a lot easier to hear someone explaining it than trying to read the tutorial Bungie posted!
Gamertag: Kane Quicktail Times you can get on: anytime fri-sun, sporadic times during the week Mic yes/no?: yes, but I don't talk much...
Jet pack or hologram. Depends on the map, hologram is great for indoor and small maps. Jet pack is better for more open maps like the cage. I...
Agreed. I've been a fan of the ODST armor since 3. As for Recon, neither of them look good to me. It looks like a spartan with a bowling ball on...
Meleed one of the birds. Then I beat the campaign.
Hello everyone! I've been making maps for quite some time (Red Faction, Joint Ops, BF2), never anything major though, just stuff that my friends...