Just wanted to say thanks to all the people that tried out the map and managed to get this on the most recommended maps list for a while!
The map itself is amazing but as has been said. the power weapons could be tweaked and some soft kill zones underneath the bridge and the...
Sign me up, Ninja Cameraman
This is a spiritual remake of X-games Ramp, one of the better Week-1 maps I have played. While the original was great, it lacked a few things in...
Sorry to say it but there aren't that many non-permanent objects in Reach and I have yet to find anything that would make a good drop pod that works.
I find the spawn area to be huge but then again I tend to walk around it in player mode so it feels bigger. Have you tried spawning a grid,...
Gamertag: Ninja Cameraman Times you can get on: Usually I'm on at night in Central time but I'm randomly in Skype chats because my best friends...
The other forgers are right about the relative direction in the teleporter but there is a much easier method to determine which way the teleporter...
Me and a friend made a great two-base floating map yesterday and we just need to put some finishing touches on it before it's finished. Only...