This is seriously some of the most awesome stuff I've seen. Absolutely amazing. Love the idea of a Twitter, as I'm waiting in suspense for part...
My forging appears to confirm this, though I also wasn't focusing on it and might've missed something. Only one person seems able to have the...
Honestly, I don't miss it. Maybe for appearance's sake, but I think the amount of customization kinda makes up for it. Of course, maybe that's...
I'd be glad to join in on any future, or try to. Add me: DiJaDi
Yet without a respawn point within that zone, it doesn't seem to work. I originally had initial spawns and strong respawn zones, no respawn...
Nice work on that soccer map. Edited my comment to reflect my postgame views. :) EDIT: Oooh. This might actually make this map even more epic:...
Definitely agree. With this whole tangent, actually. Although I think the concepts being designed now will at the very least inspire proper...
I disagree with the claim of venomous-ness that you asserted. You seem like an intelligent individual, & any flame war erupting from your post is...
Thanks. I didn't know that. I'll definitely be looking for those. But I'm also referencing "official reviews," as opposed to a member of the...
as shocking as it might seem, i usually don't have my computer anywhere near my xbox; nor do i always have a decent internet connection for my...
I'm completely with Ursus on this one. It's definitely an awesome map, but having to travel all the way around the island is a pain. One that...
It's kinda funny that you're the first one to post after me, because your review on that mountain rollercoaster was the one I was thinking of...
Dear Fellow Forgers, I love this community, and that includes you. Even though I'm relatively new here, I feel a sense of camaraderie that is...
My two cents, as it were; Whenever i consider downloading a map, I always try and read the reviews. I tend to ignore the single-sentence "This is...
This actually looks like a really cool and well-put-together map. The only flaw that I can see is the one that Bungie made in not making a...
Back in the Halo: Combat Evolved era, my friends and I occasionally would have aerial dogfights, and nostalgia regarding those times inspired me...
That's Brilliant! Thanks for the better answer.
Easiest way I've found is to put a platform beneath it, and then set that platform to not spawn at game start, and also set the spawn sequence of...
So, for clarification, are you trying to make an object spawn in mid-air and fall from the sky? If not, could you link to the video you're...
Race spawns are definitely a necessity. Vehicles are not. Race spawns spawn a player on a mongoose. Experimenting showed me that there's no...