how do u get past the odball platform cirlces in pic 4
Gamertag:o T REXs o Times you can get on: Anytime Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: Imaginative Some of your work: (Optional) A...
I just created two new small maps today, but i have no idea how to take pictures to post on the site? Can someone help me with my problem?
Oh, well Thanks for telling me this. But i would still like to create my own?
Personally, what I do is draw a basic layout of the map on a sheet of graph paper. then take sketching paper and make little adjustments, then...
Hey, I've seen plenty of maps about storm the beach and Normandy type of maps. I want to recreate one similar to this, except for the game type....
I got to the second room and gave up!
im looking for someone to forge with time-when im online Gt:THE OBESE MSURF mic-yes me-imaginative, fun kinds of maps-invasion, competative,...
actually no my friend beat miles but it took him like 6hrs
how do you get through stage 4
i cant get past challange 2
Beat it, first try
SaSaSUP guy I was recently grounded from xbox, cuz i play to much o.O Any way while i was temporarily disable i thought of a new mini game idea....
I cant find evade
hey i need testers for my two new "SMALL" maps, if you would like to msg me on xbl THE OBESE SMURF
i keep dieing after i drop down and i have to go up a hil and then back down except its out of bounds?
me Gamertag: THE OBESE SMURF Times you can get on: (-7:00 GMT) from 3-10pm monday to friday, and posibli all day on weekends Mic yes/no?:yes...