The concept sounds similar to a map I've been working on a while with darkness being prevalent and useful to the infected. From experience I'd...
A lot of what others have said about a segmented forge world with different themes of snow and sand; a long with a good swampy area and a jungle...
I guess I'll throw my two cents in since I have seen anyone mention it, but I'd like to see more options when it comes to head shots under the...
Great Formulas These look to be extremely helpful for making structures on an angle which I have trouble with getting angles right for. I'm not...
The title reminded me of this YouTube - Robot Chicken Star Wars: Emperor's Phone Call - Adult Swim (Official) On a more serious note the...
Wow, this map looks exceptional well forged and interesting to play on. the overview shot reminds me a little bit of Halo 2's Gemini in setup....
I never said it would or should be forge world 2.0, I was just pointing some of the obvious things that are related to forging, the budget which...
YouTube - Halo: Reach - Noble Map Pack Trailer :] Breakpoint and Tempest looks really good to me so far, but (spoilers if you haven't watched the...
How about a "flip/mirror" function to reverse some of the non-symmetrical objects we have?
My favorite piece has to be tunnel long, being nearly as vibrant as the strut when you change it's color and being able to create tunnels with...
As the title says I'm having a dilemma with the lights in forge, I'm planning on having a light fall and respawn for aesthetics in a map I'm...
*looks at the picture of the unknown map, looks back at pictures from tempest, then looks at the unknown map again* oh my god you're right....
I'm not so sure about Anchor 9 but I'll see how it plays when it's released, but I'm looking forward to tempest for forging and it's different and...
thanks for the welcome :)
I'm new to post on this board but not being around, so I figured I needed to stop being a lurker. I love to mess around in forge and try my hand...