Really aesthetically pleasing! Although it does look a bit cluttered in some areas, and that might reduce frame rate. Nonetheless, another great...
You, sir, are a FORGE GOD! I loved the Hunter, Grunt and Elite ones in Halo 3, and it seems you just have an endless supply of ideas. Keep up the...
-When you call the other team "noobs" when they won by at least 20 kills and one fair and square -When you join a game and then leave to go to...
I have a single insignificant cone kill. Poor cones, never getting credit for anything...
Head: CQB L Shoulder: Security R Shoulder: Security Chest: Katana I DO have most of the helmets, I just decide to wear CQB as i like the design.
Thx for welcoming me everyone :D! I've gotten along well here the past couple days and I have to say that this is an awesome site! Everyone is...
The funniest would either be "Poop Sprinkler" or "Yo Mommas Nuts". Im not sure that those are the real gamertags, but it was close to that.
A human city would be nice, with forge pieces such as bridges, small buildings, railings, stairs, etc. The ability to use civillian vehicles in a...
Cool. I like how you made an aesthetic map into a gametype. And the forging for gravemind is pretty good.
This map is pretty cool, and well made too! The merging/interlocking makes it look way better, and the map itself looks extremely balanced...
I'm getting those firefight achievements FOR SURE before they patch it... that is, if they do patch it. If not then they probably made it like...
Using your assault rifle in team BRs... unless your good with using an assault rifle in team BRs
Play some clue, duck hunt, cops&robs, fat kid and some stuff that is cool
I'll get home from school, do my homework then play 2 hours of halo 3 b4 watching tv or something. I'll probably go to bed early so I am pumped...
The grav lifts, "men" cannons and one-way shield doors can be used for teleporter-things.
Siick! The island is about 3/4 of the gulch except more open, the quarry about 1/3 the island and the pillar... is pillar sized
A campaign remake i would make would be one of the tower thingies in the halo 3 lvl "the covenant" and change it into invasion. Tier one: The...
i have a couple ideas for Reach. List: -jail map (alcatraz) on island of forgeworld -cops and robbers map -remake of backwash -remake of chasm...
Hey! It's FloppyPhoenix! I joined ForgeHub cuz its cool and stuff. I HAVE been browsing around the site for a while now, a couple months actually....