Ah, now it's a party
Well, you guys have done me proud, I have seen enough, now my planet needs me
Hi friends, I love you all
Bahaha wut
Nahh I love that thing! just like Sonic running like an idiot
I me usually
Homer, y u no my friend :D
Meow meow
You're silly, who likes Sonic! Oh right, IT IS ME!
<3 <3 <3
Hi Grif! We need to play some H3 customs, get your pants on and prepare yourself!
This is still going, and it's beautiful! I love you all!
Hey Shock, you wanna play some H3 customs? Also, can I be admin again? Just kidding, love ya man, let's play some customs!
I have come to reclaim what is rightfully mine! This thread!
Moderator?! Lolwattttt