I really enjoyed Trident in Reach, and this looks incredible! Way to utilize that center structure--and the entire Impact palette in general. I...
Beautiful architecture! I can't help but feel that the map might benefit from some greenery, though; maybe some trees or small rocks in tin-cup...
If you can acquire it, Photoshop is definitely the way to go. It's an extremely useful program to have in general, and there are lots of student...
Based on scale alone, this map looks incredible, really a testament to the awesomeness that is the Impact forge palette. And as always, beautiful...
Looks like a ton of fun! You might want to disable weapon pickup, though, so players stick to their initial loadouts.
After seeing some gameplay of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, I also wanted to try using the hardlight shield and sword to simulate medieval gameplay....
In the demo video they started out with a pile of small boxes and palettes, so I think we can expect at least a few moveable (and destructible)...
Here's said video, part one: rtxlive2 - RTX: Halo 4 - Part 1 Looks awesome!
Great list. 343 needs to see this, even though the likelihood of anything happening (especially with those Halo Wars vehicles) might be slim....
The panel at New York Comic Con introduced the Hang 'em High remake "High Noon" as the "new forge world." It looks like we'l have an entirely new...
Everybody read the Waypoint update last week that announced forgeable trees on Timberland, rght? Good. Just checking.
It's a firefight-ish scenario, sure, but I can't see it being big enough for 4-player co-op. I'd guess something more along the lines of defending...
A little tidbit that we should all be excited about: In a blog post by Certain Affinity, it was mentioned that the new CE-to-Reach maps would get...
I usually wouldn't bump like this, but this map deserves much more attention. I downloaded it and held some awesome races with my friends! The...
I love the aesthetics here, and the crisscrossing tunnels and walkways should allow for some fun gameplay. I do agree that the power weapons are...