I don't think you understand. I'm using rotation snap, they all have the exact same coordinates including yaw/pith/roll except for either depth or...
So, I started off putting some coliseum walls in the air, all pretty and stuff using coordinate editing. It was pretty much perfect like that, I...
Ya, we're pretty sure it's not possible. BTW, look at the "Race" paragraph on page 22 of your Halo: Reach manual ;)
Ignore everything else I said. Flashpoint and pumpkin are right. Hold down the LEFT(I thought they were saying the right one before) thumbstick,...
That's actually a very good idea. It wouldn't be aesthetically perfect, but it should play the same. I'll definitely do that in the future if I go...
That only works if you are using standard objects in the standard way. For instance, I'm currently trying to line up an upside down pyramid with a...
Hey, you still up for some collaborative forging?
So, I beat the entire game on Heroic, but the weekly challenge says that I missed one... I'm pretty sure it's the second to last one, because I...
Ya, I usually play on 3 but I moved Reach up to 5. Still haven't played multiplayer yet, so I might go back to default if that doesn't go well....
Is it just me, or does look sensitivity seem lower by default? Not a problem after you change it, really, but it threw me off after a few seconds....
Why don't you get your facts right? He was asking a question, hence the question mark at the end of his sentence. You could've just answered him...
I'm heading to the midnight launch alright. My college schedule is only MWF, so I have all tomorrow off, and then I get out at twelve on...
See below: So yes, guide to Invasion forging next will be up Friday(possibly sooner, but I doubt they'd wait till the weekend). That's in the...
I know that two rounds were in the Spire video. My question is whether invasion will be like that in matchmaking, or like it was in the beta.
Does anyone know if versus firefight is going to be in matchmaking? From the playlist, it doesn't look like it, but I hope it is. Perhaps the...
Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Search Halo: Reach rendered films are up on bungie.net. Check them out if you want, but beware that a few are...
I thought the plasma pistol was relatively useless in Halo 2's campaign. After playing combat evolved on Legendary, Halo 2 was honestly not that...
Gamertag: I Are Rambo Times you can get on: Most anytime really. My schedule is very flexible since I'm only at school three hours a day three...