Definately no point in having different types of the same weapon, not to mention the fact that they use the same ammo pool. If I can hold a DMR...
Even so, Halo 3 health regen'd on its own with no need of a health pack. That differentiates it from Reach.
Common sense would tell you that the poster is not questioning how to "buy" armor that is available, but how to make "new" armor available for...
I'm almost positive they will add more game types in the near future. Considering all of the different ranked type matches they had in Halo 3, and...
Did you accomplish all of those things while connected to XBL or were you offline? Seems like I remember Bungie stating something about that in...
Actually it doesn't. In 3 if someone's shields were down to like 33% a melee would kill them. In Reach, if you have 1% shield left, a melee will...
The Plasma Launcher is a one hit kill weapon, the Hammer is a one hit kill weapon, the sword is a one hit kill weapon. That's three covenant one...
For the most part I do play on one setting, but I do prefer to have it less sensitive when using weapons that require a more delicate touch. Why...
Then yes, if Microsoft made 343, and Microsoft owns 343, it's safe to that whatever 343 does Microsoft does, seeing as they can do nothing without...
I don't like to be that guy. But don't you think there's another technical forum on another website where you would be better off asking these...
I thought 343 was Microsoft
This is one option I had hoped would be implemented into the game. I may be the only person in a million to want this, but I would like to be able...
This may be me just being hopeful and/or optimistic, but I'm looking at the situation with this paradigm. Microsoft has owned the property rights...
pre-ordered my Legendary about 6 or 7 months ago, and paid about $25 on it every month. paid it off last week, treated it almost like a bill lol.
Being equals is not the same as being identical. If their reason to make them identical was just so the elites starting weapon would be on par...
I'm referring directly to competitive matchmaking, not campaign or firefight. I stated that the DMR and NR are very similar. The AR and Plasma...
Exactly. I don't know how many of you noticed this, and it could be coincidence, but I think Bungie intentionally was trying to get away from...
I know of five armor effects. 1. Birthday Party - From what I understand, it's like the birthday skull in ODST. When you're killed, expect a...