Wow First off you used Avalanche which is amazing Second you combined with my favorite gametype paintball Third someone finally has the...
I really can't wait to play this map it really reminds me of someone elses map where you had to hold off infected with youre...
When I saw the ghosts I Jizzed in My Pants Then I saw the map......and I had to scream in a good way This is a racers dream, never before have...
its a really well built map definately worth the view and i love the hitchhiker FAIL
i am really proud of your map the gameplay is extremely hectic and that is what i love another thing is the classes that is a great new idea...
OMFG one of the best gametypes evar
this is definately a new twist on infection that im proud of P.S this deserves a feature
i really think that hese are some of the better hide maps but im sorry im just not a fan of not being able to see [IMG] 90% of teens today would...
i get it you have to drive and not get lasered the kill him i think
nnnnnnnniiiiiiiiicccccccceeeeeeeeeee defintely some of the better maps ive seen [IMG]
cool but its rocket race right
i think its easy for the zombies ive played something this URL=][IMG][/URL]
ok dl cant abuse those comments [IMG]
overall i like it but i cant assume anything from 4 pics get some action shots and ill dl [IMG]
wha??? [IMG]
ok its been a while since anythings come close to my standards this barely meets it ill download
looks good but bare no cover [IMG]
i dont think this is up to forge hub standards you need embedded pics and an actual map sry [img]
this should be in minigames [img]
couldnt the jump out [img]