I really enjoy Hemorrhage when playing with a group of friends. we can all cover areas of the map/go after certain vehicles. I'm far more...
Net seems stable at all times, but I'm in uni village so that may have changed things. Only problem is I can't connect to the guys downstairs via...
I'll let my friend know that, she does lit :p Uni internet is sooooo awesome for live. Get to host every single game on reach <3
Aye, its good so far. Lots of 9ams though x_X been doing coursework and such, so havn't has as much time to play reach anymore. To be expected...
First year UEA student, Studying maths, living on the uni village campus. Willow to be precise :)
Crowd control >.>; Was a fun 30 minutes of firefight.
Well, thats awesome. Twitter page bookmarked :p Guess i'll be playing a crap load, when i'm not swamped with work :D
Just been thinking about the rank cap (as i'm close to hitting it, mr no lifer :D) People complained a lot that people used commendations to get...
I don't have the link to the thread, but I did read yellow text saying that doing that is fine, as it still comes under 'playing the same section...
I mostly spammed up to lt colonel in the first couple of weeks because I started uni sunday, and wanted to get there beforehand. I still need to...
So, the game hasn't been out for a month and people are already well beyond 600k in money. In a few months time people will have the millions...
When ever I get boarded in a wraith i'll ram the nearest wall and shoot. this kills the person and stops me being killed in the process. One...
Bungie.net : Reach : Service Record Your account is fine. there was a lot of server issues yesterday where everyones ranks started vanishing....
I mentioned grunty fun in the first post of the topic, was it worth mentioning again? :p
10 new achievements, 250 gamerscore were accidentally shown this weeks weekly update. We don't know what they are, but screenshot is below: [IMG]...
Used to be you get about 1300 points per round, though they've taken away the performance bonus for Grunts, so its around about 1000-1100. Also...
you won't get banned for spamming Grunts. If you use mods and such to automate it, you will. If you reset the challenges using a glitch, you will....
Now that I have heart attack, nothing could dissapoint me ever again. If I had to choose though, I miss the flamethrower </3
Turns out I indeed stand corrected. Captain to captain grade 1 is only 23k, less than every single level of warrent officer. I appologise for the...
So... levels are going to get easier again? nice.