Different strokes for different folks, man. Dude, I'd love to hear how to improve it for competitive play. Would you be willing to write some...
Wow. Thanks so much for the nomination, and any votes Hushed Apprentice receives! I've never tried to push others to nominate Hushed, but it's a...
Roger. Thanks for explaining - I was pretty sure I knew what you meant, but I've never really heard it described in that terminology. I personally...
Would you mind elaborating on this point, specifically the difference between the two?
If there is any way I can help, let me know!
I have to admit, I'm intrigued by the objective placements on this map. Forcing the defenders to move forward to protect their new objective isn't...
If you're looking for any additional constructive criticism, I would be more than willing to offer fly-through feedback or serve as an extra...
Wow, thanks for unearthing Hushed, Shoe! I was planning to update the thread with new videos and links next week, but you've forced me expedite my...
Embarcadero by Flying Shoe ILR
Embarcadero is, simply put, a must download. The combination of horizontal and vertical space weaves a wondrous flow into slayer and objective...
I remember joining Flying Shoe for a game or two one day several months ago, and we ended up playing a match on Metropolis. Even in its (then)...
Thanks for letting me know, Ociee! I happened to see it as well, and left him a post in the map's thread. I downloaded it to check it out. There...
Freakout, It's good to see that others appreciate the Silent Cartographer as much as I do, but I have to admit that I find it intriguing how...
Ouch, Shoe. That hurts.
Spawns Just a quick note on Invasion spawns: You want to use 'Hill Markers' under the 'Objectives' folder, as these allow you to orient the...
I was playing the Cougar Plaza map tonight, and noticed it looked rather familiar to Codyr2391(SpecterCody)'s map Empire. Like, exactly the same....
Thanks! I appreciate the download and film viewing. Since you mentioned learning, if you have any questions on how I did things or why - or...
Correct. That was something I wanted to change with my map to differentiate from the other Invasion offerings and spice up the match's gameplay -...
Thank you, sir! Thanks for giving my map a download, and I really appreciate you taking the time to give me such a monstrous post of feedback....
Thanks for the comments darkprince! I'd love to get enough Forge Hub members together to play a round of Invasion on this baby. Awesome! I'm...