very nice map but you may want to get rid of a sniper 2 snipers feels overpowered
yeah that's why i made sure to make the objective items gametype specific.
swap the roof for the rails, also in your post you should add that most of the great spots are not in this remake. but being made from memory it...
if you like this 1 you should try V2 and if you like it recommend to your friends
just finished the V2 witch takes care of this issue
oh I'm sorry you didn't make that clear.
well i admit it would seem as it this were true if not for a few things. first off when you put something in quotations you really should make...
Map name:Guardian Map you remade:Guardian Number of player: 2-8 Gametypes: slayer oddball koth [IMG]...
thanks for your feedback, as for the frame rate drop it does lag a lot more in forge mode. as for the rock for the sniper wall i was thinking...
i have spent the past 2 weeks working on this and even though there are 100's of guardian remakes out there i trust that it is the most accurate,...
do remakes count? if so i made guardian
I'm glad you like it, also I'm starting construct tomorrow so keep an eye out for that.
Map Name:Guardian Map you remade: Guardian Number of players: 4-8 Gametypes: slayer, headhunter, oddball [IMG]...
thanks for the vid captn
but are the remakes of narrow's and construct good? there where guardian remake too but i still made 1.
i never heard of bungie making a guardian remake but i would assume it would be in the next map pack, as for they map I'm glad you like it and...
as i said before the more people in your game the less lag there will be due to the engine, as for the center it is flat it only looks bumpy due...
thanks for your input, the mancannon is missing because if you sprinted into them you would go flying, as for the mlg jumps/spot's i had to get...
thanks for the input i think i will do construct but not for awhile --- im glad you like it, also recommending it to your friends would be...
i liked the way the water looked also on other maps people would get under the map and since it is low now you cant.