Downloaded. If i could ever get a large enough party i would definitely play this. looks pretty awesome. Good aesthetics, sounds like it would be...
Yes, i know how overpowered the gauss hog is. But this map seems purely for aesthetics. I could never see this map working for actual gameplay....
Replace a couple of rocket hogs with gauss hogs and this will be perfect.
Hello community. I'm new here, so sorry if i'm breaking any rules. I was wondering if i could find a good base/ HQ map. With shooting ranges,...
Pretty cool but guard seems a bit OP
I don't have my XBOX with me right now, but when i get back on i cant wait to check out this map. I bet it would make an awesome machinima- some...
pretty cool, but try and get more pics in.
Pretty cool map, but i think it would fit in the mini game forum better. also, why is it bootcamp if there's a 3D TV, a lounge, and a pool table?
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You need to have at least 1 screenshot or video or else this post will be deleted.
Here's a suggestion- how about instead of having just one teleporter linked to another teleporter it's 3-4 teleporters linked to one (it would be...
Real cool map. I like how the volcano has an interior witch the secret submarine place. but that's not the best part. This map has SHARKS WITH...
Great remake. I like the idea of being stuck in the krusty krab with zombies coming in (lol spongebob **** zombies). Also, you got the location of...
I've yet to see club-type map. Very cool looking map. I like how you used the purple light to add effects. I think that if you put the juicy...
The elites seem to over power the spartans by quite a bit in the first phase- didn't notice that?
Pretty cool, but just 1 question- why is it called SPOOKY gunship? I don't see any thing spooky about it.
Are you comparing this too cliffhanger and atom? This map is WAY better than cliffhanger and atom!
awesome. i also find it cool that jun will actually fire the sniper. i think the coolest part though is that you made a hood with the rocks.
you win. i might download the game type some time. SUGGESTION: have each loadout start with 2 plasmas instead of 2 frags. even more nooBish!
What rock have you been under? OT: definitely gonna download that. it looks fun. still, couldn't one of the spartans quickly go and see what...