ppl that boost the matchmaking commendations are only hurting themselves. I have seen General Grade 4's with only 50% commendation completeion XD...
I honestly dont suffer from these problems XD i dont understand why certain ppl want so much changed for whatever reason when i have yet to...
That is really cool =) Hope to see a christmas one *o*
I got doctor doctor first ^.^
i think it will be invasion maps/armor then down the road another forge world with more MP maps =)
Yep i have been playing when i can and my friend is even using my acount too so when i cant play i still get credits >=) The level cap isnt...
Mmhmm =3 i am saving for some accesories but i am curious what u unlock when u get to commander, colonel etc. so i wont spend anything to soon x3
i think its good we have to wait till the lvls are raised XD thats all the more time to save up money for the things i want =)
I agree its like people are just looking for ANYTHING to complain about.. will we ever live in a world where we can just look at the amzing things...
does this REALLY matter ? why does it matter if some people get achievements easier than you? Unlocking things and getting gamerscore is NOT a...
i prefer the beam rifle.. i dont like how the covenant have no instant kil weapon in MM but the spartans have rockets and sniper that can kill...
i havent really decided yet but i know i wont be buying firefight voices anytime soon.. =3 i want armor first ^.^
Very nice =) I wonder what gametypes will play best =D
This map seems interesting =) Hope i can come across it ^.^
Hi thanks for your signature i added the reach customs 1 gateway=D Only one more week *o*
i would love to help test this ><
Why not just learn how to use any weapon on any sensitivity like everyone else ?.?
actually if you saw the legendary ending bungie obviously set up a cliff hanger since cheif is floating toward some mysterious forerunner planet.....
Thank u =3
As i said there are alot more ex bungie than ppl think =P But just wait for the game if you need that concrete of proof XD Id rather not sit up...