wow thank you for mentioning me in the development of this, I really didn't think you would. And overall I think you did an ok job explaining...
I am actually mad about the the fact that they fixed the angle rotation or objects on tempest and not FW... <3 bungie for giving a map with about...
well like it makes sense in a programming way... like the variable angle = 83 but since rotation snap rounds it to 90 it doesnt change the...
this is probably totally unhelpful but if you have a vehicle entombed in blocks to where it starts shaking just standing on it will damage you....
Wow, This is actually a great theory I have never actually been able to puzzle out why this happens but after reading this it does make a lot more...
you know whats weird... i was about to start making a map like this... lol GT: fasteddie304 is you want some more input.
is the teleporter the only way into the flag? That could cause some serious camping issues if it is. Other than that this map looks pretty decent,...
i think 1 drop shield would be a great idea, because with 3 it might make it a little unfair for the attackers. Unless the attackers have large...
yeah we kinda came to that conclusion a while ago, this thread is very old with some epically old information... if anyone wants to help with this...
This is very awesome! Playing with plasma launchers is pretty epic. I cant imagine how awesome it would be to play with random weapons.
To be honest it doesnt have to "feel" like crash for it to be inspired by it, and a player doesnt particularly have to know how far away the kill...
Duuuude post your pool
just because you threw some rocks on alaska and montana doesn't make this map a rip off... His rocks are in different places and he threw on some...
Well if you are out of the project I might keep it going assuming the people who are in it don't drop out
This looks really nice good job killmore/p1mpxslash. I will have to give this a download and try it out
I played several games on this map and to me it brings out all the fun that beaver creek was in halo 2. And it isnt just a metal box with bases...
I could have sworn i have played an invasion game before that had kill areas appear and disappear...
I only found a way to place 1 bomb so which would make this impossible sadly
you could make it a territory game and the only way to get the territory is to hit the base. But i dont know if you can make a territory instant...
You can make a kill barrier spawn at the beginning of phase 3 to kill everyone in the area you set it for. Then have the respawn areas spawn them...