WTF who edit my post?
oh there's some funny stuff in there.
OK !
oh Insane is getting his nerd side on. we should all run for are life's!
the Orange Box is awsome!
get condemened.
that is funny and no it will not happen! BBQ chicken one!
ill do it! check this!
yeah i know but still great game . and bungie is werid for letting that guy post canvas.
oh my system shock havent see that in awhile.
most likely . lazy people cant afford some map's .
:squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf:!
yeah i spent all night playing it .It was so awsome!
well i decied what im going to get this game ! please discuss
man that was the funnest video! :squirrel_giggle:
so many of them ! i cant decide!
i never said that retard!