good thinkin, i think they should lock this just for the H-core fans out there that breath by Reach
- - - - click here -----v - Countdown to Sep 14, 2010 - - - -
i did, it's on the original post, but now it seems its not good enough of an idea so i might do something else.
I understand, maby it wont get much love but i'd still enjoy making it since it's my first planned map.
Sounds awesome, i loved Hl2 and gmod roleplays. "PootyTang900" is the GT
Yea man add me up, whenever were both on Reach we can forge it out, whetever.. You said your working on a big project????
I do think about these things, but allot of the original flow from the map is there in my opinion, if not any suggestions or changes i can make?
First ever, real plan on a map ever in the the universe of everland. This is obviously based on my fav map ascension from halo 2, I nearly...
Gamertag: PootyTang900 Times you can get on: Everyday usually after 6:00pm, Anytime on weekends especially when reach comes out OMG... Mic...