You sure about that?
You should've waited until the 15th when Halo 3 would be released for free. Lot of people are gonna be playing when it is free.
I am trying to find the article, so anyone who may know of it, it would be awesome if you could help me out. Anyways, the article was released...
Just wanted to say hi, explain who I am, and finally say thanks. First, Hello!. My name is Thrillah24 (Not my real name, hahaha that would be...
I am extremely excited for this. If you need help building/testing this, please let me know!
You can make him invincible still, and make him have 0% movement. That way if he has the ball he/she can't move like in Ultimate Frisbee. I think...
It's spelled Pac-Man
Yeah I had this problem too. Mine was with bridges though. I locked all the pieces in afterwards and it seemed that helped because none of my...
But nothing quite like forge world. Each of the three maps are only a small fraction of the size of forge world.
There needs to be a way to organize custom games faster and easier. There are way to many different ways which means only a few using each. There...
I think it would work. It wouldn't actually apply damage to the other player, just push them away. It would be effective in any gametype that...
I know, it's just my opinion. Lol thanks for pointing that out.
I already knew about the interview, I was just asking how he thought that what he said was an indicator of it. And it wasn't a point I was trying...
IMO, Reach wasn't anything like H3 either. I just meant that it doesn't seem like they upgraded anything. Almost like they just started all over...
Honestly I'm not exactly sure. That sounds good, but I know it could get difficult with the speed you are traveling. I would have to test it.
I'm glad you asked this. I have tested it, and I'm impressed with the results. In normal gravity, if you are up in the air, the thruster pack will...
No doubt there. 343i has done an amazing job with the Halo title, and focused on this amazing new storyline, and also an alternate story line with...
I'm not saying they were around first, but I am saying that I believe these gametypes with a few more, were the definition of custom games. A set...
I guess I am. I have never played anything like this in reach is why I am asking about it. I saw one time an infection minigame in bowl where you...