I find that while it's not easier per say to create a sketchup of a map, it's definitely better, because you can model in 3D. You can know what it...
I was really disappointed. I actually had a really cool map planned that I didn't have enough pieces for, so I thought, "Hey, let's wait until...
If not installing Reach to your HD causes FPS lag, then that's probably it. I've only got like 1 GB left on my HD :(
Played it last TGIF - Lots of fun, except CTF spawns were a little zany, though that could just be the game's spawning engine. Otherwise, it was...
For me, SketchUp makes it that much easier. All you have to do is keep track of what items you are using, and make sure you don't go over the...
The Venetian - By Devinish
Wow. The aesthetics are absolutely stunning. I think I stared at the benches too long, that was my first death on the map. But seriously, this...
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1. Copy+Paste desired item 2. Use the move tool to move into position, and use the little +'s to rotate 3. ?????? 4. Profit!
Orbital for sure. The linear style ended up making one of the most fun maps of them all. I'd love to see it remade, but hell, I'm way too lazy to...
If the spawn time is set to "Never" and "Place at Start" is set to "False", then your object is lost forever assuming you don't have a back-up of...
The box of dispair is so incredibly evil...
I've really been wanting to design with the right scale, and the pre-release version of the objects seem to me that they are a bit off, as...
Being in Canada sucks right now :( Oh well, back to my Forgotten Treasures submission :P
Just played through! Gameplay is awesome - But one of the spawns for Elites is broken. The one on the walkway (Not the one on the upside-down...
Well no, I'm not really that old. But I can say that after using Reach's forge as compared to H3's, it could be the best thing I've ever done....
For spawning, you could do a teleporter system, assuming you have enough. Teleporter 1 sends zombies to area 1, Teleporter 2 to area 2, etc.
You are currently my favorite person in the world. Awesome job, and an internetz to you. EDIT: Do you think it'd be possible to make a...
I've had a few crazy ideas in mind, but so far I'm sticking with my current number one priority; a competitive map I've made called Misoneism....
Recently, I've been finding inspiration in other maps made, or hell, even places from other video games. My first "finished" prototype for Reach...