I have a great idea for an invasion game, but i dont want to post it because i dont want anyone to steal my idea. I do want help forging the map...
i will playtest
I finished the map and changed a few things, download it here. more updates to the map may come.
ill do battle creek, please announce the grand prize soon.
sorry about the poor pics, i added in some more for you, if you need more pics just ask. by the way, im trying to think of a better name for this...
i sure hope you'll have enough items and budget to make this, it looks like it might be pushing it a little.
i updated the original post with new pictures and a new download link. tell me what you think.
how is this different from spartan vs. elite slayer. SvE slayer was even in the beta.
for the "kick" at each level like you said they would need leave someone behind. when the assaulters want to get back the the guy left behind...
i think it looks like a good start but its a bit small. maybe add some layers to make the map a bit more vertical and extend it in a few directions.
it is google sketch up. go to the top of this forum and there should a topic about advanced halo reach objects. download that and your good to go.
its not that hard to read. Ive already said twice that the ghost is meant to be a banshee
so i made it bigger but i dont feel like uploading pictures right now, but if you want to see it you can download it here.
but if its bigger i can have a vehicle, so should i make it bigger.
I think version 1 wasnt very good but version 3 looks great.
Would a falcon be better, i think the banshee is better. Also should i extend and make the map bigger, if so which direction should i extend it....
So its the 21st today, any news on this map
Im just wondering if anyone is planning on remaking guardian or construct in halo reach within a few weeks of the release. I really liked those...
Hey, in the next update could you add in weapons, gravlifts, and the remaining few vehicles.
so im thinking of making it a little bit bigger because your right it is pretty small, any ideas on how and in what direction I should extend it