That was a problem that we had run into. Some colors actually started disappearing, like there was a limit on how much you could have. Believe...
Do you mind explaining what makes the halfpipe sketchy, I'm always open to improvements.
Rainbow Road Created by: Masta Hippie and v Ionized Supported Gametype: Rainbow Racing After 5 long months, the recreation of Rainbow Road...
Constellations By: v Ionized Demo Racing Gametype: Here Also compatible with: Race I had finished this track near the beginning of...
Thats kinda the purpose of checkpoints, so you cant take short cuts. Supercross tracks in Reach are getting more advance by the month with new...
Abyssmal SX Created by: v Ionized Abyssmal SX is my latest Supercross track entirely enclosed in a stadium. The main attraction to this...
I hope you don't mind some constructive criticism, but this track looks really well made. The only thing Im not fond of is the toff boxes used...
Cordova MX By: v Ionized Here's a new and crazy Nationals track for all of you crazed Motocross fans! Cordova MX is definitely my best and...
Wow, nice job Fugly! I would say this is definitely one of the best city maps to date for many reasons; the natural aesthetics, the layout, and...
Thanks man, I would have added a filter to make it more of a space theme but I was low on budget. Bordering it took up a lot of money. I didnt...
Fuel Created by: v Ionized Fuel is my first Battletrack on Reach and personally think one of my best skytrack's that I've created. This track is...
Affliction By : v Ionized Affliction is the second motorcross track that I have created for HT Supercross. Affliction has completely outdone my...
This looks alright. Not to sound mean but I really dont like it when people use the wall colleseum's for an entire sky track. It makes it seem...
Smokahontas By v Ionized Smokahontas is for all the Attack Attack fans. [IMG] This track features several banked waves, hills, and a lot more...
Nightmare By : v Ionized Nightmare is an extremely smooth sky/terrain track that features several jumps, hills, and awesome scenery. The...
Sorry I didnt know it would be too big for conquest. But no I never saw that map but it looks pretty cool though.
The Great Wall By: x2Hip iz Rippin The Great Wall is a competitive map used with a territories gametype. I made this map a while back but never...
Wow i have never seen anyone make a frontflip like that. Luv it! Nice job
Distortion Created By: x2Hip iz Rippin Gametypes: Battle Snipes, Battle Lasers, Battle Tracks, and RACETRACKS Distortion is my final Halo 3...
Tides Created by: x2HIp iz Rippin Tides was my first roller coaster I had made in Halo 3. It was going to be my last track for Halo 3 but I may...