1. Foundry 2. Standoff 3. Tie between Sandrap and Last Resort
Hmm simple, Just put double boxes on the 2nd or first floor of the house then place stair cases on the floor and put bridges on the stair cases....
A real easy way of doing it is put 2 fence walls paralell to each other, then put a dumpster in between. And don't forget one more fence wall on...
Lol if a guy from bungie just read this you would prolly be banned for a short while... But anyways ya if you have downloaded them keep em'...
I don't realy like COD 4, Not realy into military games except for halo. RPG is the way to go XD.
This map looks realy cool, but I already have 100 maps :(
This map looks realy cool, but I already have 100
This map looks realy cool, but I already
This map looks realy cool, but I
Omg your my hero lol. Great map. Just when you get the chance fix some spots and make a 2.0 :)
Well with those new big containers coming out I thought i would just mess around and make the biggest maze in halo history lol. Or with those new...
Ya all the maps but my top two would be ghost town and avalanche. Ghost town because there seems to be more "different things" at least i think...
Ya same here single walls and bridges....
In my opinion for the lazer and rockets are to have them in a mid sized map or large map. If you have a power weapon in a small map it just ruins...
Great map. Me and my friends spend alot of time playing on this map.
Well, what do you mean advanced? Like interlocking objects?
:O Great job on the map, it looks perfect. And your a new user congratz on your first post!
Download Here: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19319480 Ok first off is this map is ONLY compatible with infection! The map was...
Can't wait for the new maps...Probably be forging them the whole day they come out XD
pretty good, except for the noobz on teams that betray... Turn off betrayals bungie!!! Or train some noobz lol