Um, go to where you uploaded the pictures. (I use Tinypic.) Go through the process of uploading and then it will say HTML code, the one without...
So thats what that was called.
Dude, I swear, make it invasion playable, I would love you forever.
Thank you, I Dl'd and now I shall play this, this weekend. IMO best map ever. Thank you again.
I like the fence idea. Never seen it before.
Alrighty, it looks pretty sweet, I shall DL, soon, will put feedback eventually. And if you wanna post something to my map Sych0tika, it would...
Hey, what is with the circle thing? I think it looks pretty cool.
Sych0tika, born of sheer willpower and frustration can make someone truly insane. This insane asylum is still haunted by the tragic revolte of...
Okay, I did what you guys said about the pictures. And I shall probably redo most if not all the map entirely. It is meant to be a little open...
Sych0kinesis. An offshore psychic evaluation center used to train super soldiers with psychic abilities posed as a communications array. 2...