looks like a pretty sweet infection map. i'll dl. i've been jonesin for infection. btw, while reading this, i happened to be listening to...
Alrighty, here's my 2 favs: [IMG] That one was a beautiful stick from across the map on guardian in Ranked Slayer. The greatest thing was...
pretty cool. Hi-five/5
it would have been totally cool if you could somehow screw around for several hours to make it do the whole macarena
Sweet. I'll DL.
wow. thanks for those very informative posts doughboy
i'm a fan of the part that says 'in' and has the arrow. of course made of those glowy teleporter things
looks pretty good. i'll dl.
this can make a more ghostlier town.
Re: pooping aligator me and Fixer from GRU were screwing around here, and we were actually trying to get up it's butt. he got almost all the way...
why not use boxes? what's wrong with them? huh? what? ok.
looks good man. i'll DL
hey, that's a good idea on the delta halo thing. mind if i kinda take the drop pod idea and play around with it for a map i MIGHT make?
because i usually have a lot of interference on my connection, so when it laggs me out of a game, i go to forge and screw around. at times i will...
is football like assault or what? i'm just too lazy to find out on my own.
i've had a football concept. it's a bit complicated though. instead of a bomb, you use plasma grenades.
lol this map doesn't really look ACTION packed to me. to you and many others, it may seem fun.
very cool looking map. i'm defianetly DL
wow. map looks amazing. i'll defianetly DL NOW and crap my pants over it. yep. great friggin job. :squirrel_rocking:
Re: A Huge Covenant Cannon that actually works! i'm defiantly downloading. looks pretty dang sweet man. you definately need a high five!