i'll try to help you out.
I am really impressed with this map. It's very smooth, and I would recommend downloading it! But on a side note, you might get more views if you...
I didin't make any weapons fixed. The gravity hammer is just barely standing. If you nudge it, it will fall. Edited by merge: EDIT: updated...
HIGH POINT High Point is a three-level asymmetrical map located in the waters of Forge World. It is mainly a structure surrounding three...
This look s good, I'll definitely be downloading it in a litttle.
hey man, just wanna let you know how sweet this map is. It's one of the better looking maps, aesthetically, and it plays great. I love the flow of...
it looks good from what i can see, but i noticed one thing. When a player puts the bomb into the planting point, there was obvious room for...
well, all I can say is that this is definitely one of the most aesthetically pleasing maps I have seen of lockout remakes and everything looks...
this map looks super awesome, and I will definitely Download it once I get back on xbox tonight.
alright yeah i'll get some pics of the inside of the shack and the outside of the hotel, seeing as i forgot to post that too. And if I make a...
thanks guys i appreciate the feedback.
[IMG] A strange signal recieved by the UNCS-4815162342 satellite dish has lead to eerie reports of posthumous beings scouring the area....
i like the idea of a vendor. how does it work? just throw in a grenade and out comes the weapon?
it looks very unique. and if you decide to put the invasion gametype into your map, I will definitely download it. One Suggestion: The map may...
yeah i willl do that. thanks!
There is no need for sand bags. There is already sufficient cover. You just can't tell from the pictures. And thanks for the advice. NOTE: Map has...
Pretty sweet, except the "GPS" is wrong. Switch north and south or east and west. Can't rewally tell which from a picture.
Vanilla truly is an incredible map, exceeding all expectations, and I am grateful that the forging community has such unique talent and...
Supplier Supplier Supplier is a beta version of a map I have been working on for quite a while. Atop the Quarry, Desolation is a small...
I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into making this. Both sides look completely identical, which was your intent. It looks like a fun,...