You should make a map for this. I was inspired by this and want to try something a little different. Good work though ;D
You need at least one picture.
This is fun, and you should make a V2. The only problem is that it is a little open. Perhaps putting simple cover would solve the problem. Good map.
I completely agree. This is not a map that I'm super proud of. It was made for fun, and because I couldn't finish my old map in time.
It is CQB, ofc. Some "missfires" happen. The birth control dominate as long as they don't lose a teammate. Then it becomes harder.
[IMG] Project Mistake was a mistake :P The original idea was to make it in Reach, but my friend wanted to play it in H3. This is my last map for...
You need a link and pictures. Forum Rules linky here
Did you merge anything on this map?
Wow this looks awesome! You say it hosts all gametypes, so by that, does that mean infection? I know it's not meant for it but it looks like it...
So is this just FFA?
I'm going to DL right now because I'm going to a grand opening pb field about 2 miles away ;D You should make a CTF varient with this too. EDIT:...
This looks awesome! You should upload a video because I'm a little confused on the map (spawns). I'll dl as soon as I can make room for this one!
Wow! This looks awesome! You should post a video so we can see gameplay/racing.
I never thought about Invasion Slayer. I'm sure it could work somehow, but it would have to be changed to meet the circumstances. I suggest trying...
Thanks! I originally was going to create it in Reach, but I couldn't wait. I appreciate the feedback though ;D
Who's the infected? Templars or Assassin?
I think that they're too many vehicles. Also, people will leave their vehicle for the trip mine, custom powerup, gravlift. This kind of takes away...
Hi, this is my first post so please excuse me if I made any mistakes. Project farm V2 is influenced by an old map I made. My friends...