There are lots of war hungry people in the game, but if you are a member of Sparta you will not be harmed. Also, your empire will persist even if...
Hey all, I've been playing a browser game called CyberNations for about 5 years now, so I figured I would share it with you. It's a nation...
I'd rename it. There is already a pretty popular map called Helix and it might cause confusion in file searches :-/
Hey all, I've been working on a new BTB map for a while, and I think it's just about ready for beta testing. Here is some basic info on the map,...
Oh wow, I never even noticed that forum. Thank you :) mods please lock.
The title kind of says it all. I think Invasion should be it's own submission category for custom content, seeing as how Invasion is such a...
Can we see another angle of the hand? That angle makes it seem like the hand is pretty anatomically incorrect and i just wanna see it from the...
I haven't downloaded it yet to check for myself, but it looks like the light is made of sender nodes set to inactive channels. Am I correct?
Are you talking about invasion or in general?
For your initial spawn, only set one initial spawn point and then 7 surrounding normal spawn points with that team's color. Then place a spawn...
Set up colorblind and old timey to spawn at the start of the round, then also set up a juicy effect and set the spawn delay for 5-10 seconds. It...
I just updated the OP with version 3 of the map. Phase 2 now consists of an assault on a landing pad that makes for one hell of a thrill ride...
I've got about 600-700 dollars left. I can do a little freshening up here and there but so far for game play purposes it doesn't really need it....
try a soft kill zone?
How much damage do you take and from what height?
Well, I could if I wanted to, but for game play balance purposes I went with day/afternoon/night rather than day/night/day. But hell, the system I...
Actually I implemented something like that in my map. I used effects to make a functioning day/night cycle. edit: here's a url link since text...
I'm pretty much stumped. The only other thing I can think of is something to do with game type labels, team restrictions, game type restrictions....
Check for an anti-spawn zone maybe?