Sea Urchin (virus11010) : CAPTAIN FLOPPINATOR : TRICK RUNNER Killtalica : TITAN...
no problem pinokhio let me know when you resubmit for testing
no i did not, but it was the most thesible problem and that should have been the solution.
so did it work right this time, there was a soft kill barrier on the outside of the map that extended to the whole third phase i just deleted it.
No, did i send you a PM about Testers Guild?
okay i found and fixed the problem here is the link: here, tell me when you have downloaded so i can remove from fileshare
alright, i also have a suggestion: can you spawn a kill barrier, press b and select "delete all of these".
yes sir i do, you need it? ps. if you do i will upload it to my fileshare when i can.
Yo thanks man! Yeah i have been very active, lol. i look forward to testing with you some time. I will definitely add you when i can. here is my...
hey im having a test session right now want to join? XBL: RtG AdventBlood
there will be testing today between 12pm EST and 2pmEST possibly again later tonight around 8pm EST
Welcome!!! get involved with community by checking out the Testers Guild, Testers Guild - Forge Hub where we test community maps. and here Halo:...
I can help you there i have sent you a friend request on XBL. I dont know every detail, but i know 99%, so i should be able to help.
okay just wrote the longest, most well thought out reply to this only to have it dissapear because i got logged out, wow! So heres the short...
Gamertag:RtG AdventBlood Times you can get on: MON&WED: 1pm-1amEST TUES&THUR: 8pm-1amEST FRI-SUN: LETS PLAY Mic yes/no?: ALWAYS Something...
This is CONTACT its built on my own little custom island... Its a symmetrical map built for every gametype excluding specialties, but its got the...
Yeah any tips on a super summetric themed map on how to put call outs? i was going to use the color changer in game and some lights to identify...
I really dig the new version of this its friggin great. i also am using sketch up so i know it must of took a while to build this, but it was...
I completely remodeled the lower floor of Contact and a little something more that is develping based of suggestions and news from a reliable that...
I dig it! Well Done my friend. i like the geomerging and the layout. view bumpy spaces but other than that looks pretty nice and tight. i wish i...