The map looks like a pretty cool map to mess around on, but this should be classified as aesthetic rather than Mini Game.
I'm glad someone made a Guardian remake because Bungie was supposed to make one but never did. I don't know if there still working on making the...
The map is amazing and probably the best aesthetic slayer map I have seen so far. I love the perfect lighting effects and their spawn timing....
This map turned out pretty good and it looks a bit different than I expected. The map is kind of confusing and hard to find your way around at...
Keep up the good work. The map is looking great it looks similar to Team Fortress's 2 Fort but you are adding your own things and keeping it...
i will try to keep this thread updated with information about xbox harrasing the f@g
I don't know what the name of the map is but if I find it I will post a link to it. Are you guys even clicking the link to watch the full video?...
i ran into a new problem please look at the top the problem will be in red
Ya it is a flare, gloomy, and old timey. I didn't even do it on purpose I found it out screwing around on forge. I suck at taking pictures.
Guys I ran into a new problem. I am finally finished with the map BUT i ran into a major problem. I have reached the maximum amount of objects...
Loscocco i realize many other people may have taken the same screenie but i took this screenie like the week after odst came out but just recently...
(Original Post Deleted)
i dont know exactly where it is but there are several dead zebras on the map
Great map, beautifully forged, too bad there isnt enough money and objects to make a larger version
deranking ftw no u | | V V
no u dont get in it when u jack it, this glitch randomly happened when we were playing frogger the tank shot it and it blew up but the person...
TRIPPIN' [IMG] OOOO... Look at the pretty colors. Service Record
it just happened randomly in a game of frogger
CAR CRASH [IMG] Hello this is OnStar. I have detected a crash. Do you need assistance? Service Record
ROADKILL [IMG] Did I just hit that zebra?!?!? Service Record